ࡱ> KMJ bjbjVV *<<b<**mm$P!4U4oC.(X   \9\9\9CCCCCCCD?GtC\9@3\9\9\9Cmm  7)C>>>\9m  C>\9C>>6A}0B `6l89XAB?C0oCBGN:G0BGB\9\9>\9\9\9\9\9CC; \9\9\9oC\9\9\9\9G\9\9\9\9\9\9\9\9\9* 3: FORM X STUDENTS FINAL EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP The purpose of Form X is to suggest where improvement between the internship agency and the university can be made and to transmit general information for future interns. Form X is to be completed (typed) by the student intern during the final week of internship and returned to the Universitys Internship Coordinator (MS Word version with embedded text boxes that expand automatically to accommodate responses is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/leja" www.wiu.edu/leja). The intern should e-mail the completed form (MS Word file attachment, which should be named as last name first name fl/sp/sum year) via her/his 91ֿe-mail address to  HYPERLINK "mailto:leja-internship@wiu.edu" leja-internship@wiu.edu. The completed form may also be mailed to Internship Coordinator, 91ֿ- LEJA, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455 or faxed to 309/298-2516.  Students Name: Date: Internship Agency: Administrative Data (do not complete if you lived with relatives):  Where did you live? Landlords or Owners Name: Phone Number:  How much was the rent?  4. Were there cooking privileges? Yes No   5. Telephone? Yes No   6. Would you recommend this housing for future interns? Yes No  Agency Data How would you rate your internship experience?  Excellent Average   Good Poor  Reason for the above response: If you interned with more than one agency, how would you rate this agency to them?  Better About the same  Not as good Not applicable  Was the agency coordinator prepared with an itinerary? Yes No  Briefly, list the types of activities you participated in. What portion of the internship experience was most beneficial to you and why?  What portion of the internship experience was least beneficial to you and why?  What internship changes, if any, would you recommend the Agency make?  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